Minister Glen Murray ハミルトン ジャズマスター addresses the need for increased transportation infrastructure in downtown Hamilton.In a press conference on Friday May 31 at the downtown Hamilton GO station, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Glen Murray announced plans for a new GO station to be built on James Street North.
Under the boiling morning sun, Murray, joined by local MPP Ted McMeekin, Hamilton Mayor Bob Bratina and also other government officials, outlined the need bordering transportation infrastructure investment and development, and the importance in the project for Hamilton.
The station will always be constructed nearby the historic Liuna Station and contain multi-level parking with three spaces, new bus bays, a pick-up and drop-off area and pedestrian walkways. The station’s main place of service ハミルトン ジャズマスター will be to add two more train trips in the morning and afternoon to Toronto on the Lakeshore line, every day of the week. The current GO station on Hunter Street near St. Joseph’s Hospital will continue to operate and will not be affected by the addition of the James North station.
The announcement follows recent buzz about continuing LRT (Mild Rapid Transit) talks and what Metrolinx along with the Ontario Government’s “Big Move” strategy means for Hamilton. While evading direct dialogue of LRT in Hamilton, Murray did stress your need to catch Hamilton upwards with other cities regarding transportation. Specifically, Murray outlined the need to do so in order to be able to retain McMaster graduates.
“Young people who graduate from McMaster look around and see no LRT, they see limited MOVE service, they don’t see subways with this region, and they look to Chicago and they also look to New York… [where] many people see good governance [with transportation], ” Murray said.
While a final budget and a detailed ハミルトン カーキ time frame are still from the works, the station is set to commence construction in early 2014 along with be completed by 2015. This schedule is coordinated to align considering the Pan/Parapan Am Games’ arrival in Hamilton in the summer of 2015, although the station will continue operations after the Games are done.