イヴ サンローラン 長財布 Saint Laurent 長財布 2013新作!サンローラン 長財布 At the advice belonging to the French editor, Saint Laurent took her drawing skills and moved to Paris to register on the renowned Chambre Syndicale p la Couture. De Brunhoff then introduced Saint Laurent to his / her idol, Christian Dior, who took the awe-struck younger designers breath away so when he claimed aught my family the basis of the art? Dior was equally impressed that has a young Saint Laurent in addition to touted him as her successor, before succumbing to your fatal heart attack plus leaving a 21 year old as the head designer. He proved he was approximately the task as her Spring/Summer 1958 collection continues to revered as the collection that saved your house of Dior but around 1960, the burgeoning designer not been as successful for an exemption coming from a conscription to fight intended for イヴ サンローラン 長財布 Saint Laurent 長財布 【関税送料込】★YSL(イブサンローラン)★ベージュ長財布 his home country throughout Algeria War of Freedom and served 20 days including a time in a military services hospital before being excused within the grounds of ill-health. Upon his return, Saint Laurent job was no longer vailable? and he sued your house of Dior for breach of contract, earning him a reward of 48, 000, which in the 1960, was a substantial amount of money. Although distraught that they was no longer part of the House of Dior; this new cash injection gave the designer precisely what he needed, which along with significant other Pierre Berge, was an opportunity to open his individual fashion house. イヴ サンローラン ショルダー ポシェット Saint Laurent ショルダー ポシェット ☆サンローラン【MUSE BOWLING】ブラック 297966☆ The next two decades, saw a dominance in the designer as the universe began to sit up and take serious notice as he collected your slew of high-profile super star followers. His creations included hop suits and pea coats, plus he took mannish tuxedo types and gave them a sharp, feminine edge that redesigned the 80 plus the womanly rise of the electricity suit. The international recognition for this multi-award winning designer innovation saw イヴ サンローラン 長財布 Saint Laurent 長財布 最安値&春夏新作☆Saint Laurent☆LIGNE Y L字ファスナー長財布 the best retrospective of a vogue house work, which was shown with the Metropolitan Museum in New york City. イヴ サンローラン ショルダー ポシェット Saint Laurent ショルダー ポシェット 《絶対欲しい 》サンローランミニダッフル After battling many addictions including a subsequent lull in his own creativity within the late 80, Saint Laurent reigned supreme once again at the high end from the fashion spectrum in the latter part of the 1990 with a welcome direct contrast on the plain, grungy trends of some time. After rising to become on the list of world most influential designers from the 20th century; in 2002, Saint Laurent decided in order to re-prioritise his life plus after selling his share in the business, retired in Marrakech. イヴ サンローラン 長財布 Saint Laurent 長財布 ◇ケイト モス等海外セレブ愛用◇SAINT LAURENT L字ファスナー In honour of the enormous contribution to style, French President, Nicolas Sarkozy appointed Saint Laurent the Grand Officer of the Lgion d'honneur - on the list of highest honours in Portugal.