Лит. (выборочно):
G.E.Woodberry "Edgar Allan Poe" (1885).
J.W.Krutch "Edgar Allan Poe: A Study in Genius" (1926).
Hervey Allen "Israfel: The Life And Times of Edgar Allan Poe" (1934; рус. 1984 - Г. Аллен "Эдгар По").
Arthur H. Quinn "Edgar Allan Poe: A Critical Biography" (1941).
N. Bryllion Fagin "The Histrionic Mr Poe" (1949).
H.Braddy "Glorious Incense. The Fullfilment of Edgar Allan Poe" (1953).
Frances Winwar "The Haunted Palace: The Life of Edgar Allan Poe" (1959).
Vincent Buranelly "Edgar Allan Poe" (1961).
William Bittner "Poe: A Biography" (1962).
S.P.Moss "Poe's Literary Battles" (1963).
Irwin Porges "Edgar Allan Poe" (1963).
E.Wagar Knecht "Edgar Allan Poe: The Man Behind the Legend" (1963).
E.H.Davidson "Poe. A Critical Study" (1964).
"The Recognition of Edgar Allan Poe. Selected Criticism Since 1829" (ed. by Eric W.Carlson) (1966).
"The Man Who Called Himself Poe" (1969).
Daniel Hoffman "Poe, Poe, Poe, Poe, Poe, Poe, Poe" (1972).
Charles Haines "Edgar Allan Poe: His Writings And Influence" (1959).
David Sinclair "Edgar Allan Poe" (1977).
Julian Symons "Tell Tale Heart: The Life And Work of Edgar Allan Poe" (1978).
Kenneth Silverman "Edgar Allan Poe: Mournful and Never-Ending Remembrance" (1991).
Jeffrey Meyers "Edgar Allan Poe: His Life and Legacy" (1992).
В. Ковалев "Эдгар Алан По" (1989).